Under Pressure

7/11/20233 min read

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. -- Zig Ziglar

It’s sort of dumb realizing this over and over again but I perform my best under pressure.

I perform my best when I’m knocked down, on my knuckles.

I find myself punching the air, every single time realizing it because I think to myself…

“I wish I had started earlier”

“I wish I had stayed consistent”

Breh, honestly thinking all those things, seeing how far others have went by staying consistent (I know, I know, fuck the comparison game) — it just fuels me to want to do more, go further. I’m going to be using that energy to push harder and do exactly what I said I was going to do.

I know, I know. I’ve got to start underlining this and do better because it shouldn’t take being under immense pressure to move forward. I get easily distracted trying to juggle so many different things. I’ve shared before all the shit I’m trying to do, all the things I’m trying to accomplish.

I’m not going to back down from it though, it’s going to be tough, nobody said it was going to be easy.

As I said before, nothing worthwhile is going to come easy. The shit I’m trying to do is not for the weak, if you can’t stomach pain or being uncomfortable for long periods of time then this shit is not for you. My worst case scenario is working a traditional job for the rest of my life and if that’s what it’ll eventually come down to, then so be it but I AM NOT GIVING IN UNTIL I EXHAUST EVERY LAST OPTION.

I’d like to mention that I’ve got a pretty decent track record having made it this far to be honest. It’s been over a year and a half since I’ve quit my traditional job and honestly, I don’t regret it one bit. I feel like even if I hadn’t quit, I would’ve still been stuck in a similar position wondering if quitting could work. I wouldn’t have realized that it could work if I hadn’t. Of course, my circumstances are different compared to the next reader. I will always express how lucky I am to have such a supportive partner in my life allowing me to degen like this (haha). Without her, not sure if I’d be able to manage this long.

With that said, the plan hasn’t changed. We keep moving forward as the show goes on.

Here’s what’s going on with me right now…

- crypto: waiting on some shit to go down, moon or dust

- personal brand: finally got a website set up, just messing around making it look pretty + will likely dive further into how I can best optimize it + add value to my subscribers, focus will be staying consistent with these blog posts, I’ve got no excuses to be sharing every, single, day — shit might get repetitive, but that’s just what the grind is baby! I’m actually finding that I’m progressing a lot more doing this, the kick in my butt that I needed I guess

- network: staying connected with the Web3 community + setting up calls, there’s a lot of great minds online that have proven track records that I could learn from, it’ll be great to be able to virtually shake hands and introduce myself, it’s all about who you know, not what you know after all

- contracting: will be picking up jobs when I can as it’s the more responsible thing to do as I keep this freedom thing alive, also considering a remote job (I know, I know, worst case scenario type beat LOL but I’m being very, very selective with it as I’ve still got other options)

Will run it back here tomorrow 🫡

Peace ✌